The QuickTest Professional test object hierarchy comprises one or more levels of test objects. The top level object may represent a window, dialog box, or browser type object, depending on the environment. The actual object on which you perform an operation may be learned as a top level object, a second level object, for example, Window.WinToolbar, or a third level object, for example, Browser.Page.WebButton.

In some cases, even though the object in your application may be embedded in several levels of objects, the hierarchy does not include these objects. For example, if a WebButton object in your application is actually contained in several nested WebTable objects, which are all contained within a Browser and Page, the learned object hierarchy is only Browser.Page.WebButton.

An object that can potentially contain a lower-level object is called a container object. All top-level objects in the object hierarchy are container objects. If a second-level object contains third-level objects according to the QuickTest Professional object hierarchy, then that object is also considered a container object.

For example, in the step Browser.Page.Edit.Set "David", Browser and Page are both container objects.

When you add a step to your test in the Keyword View, the step is added as a sibling step or sub-step of the currently selected step, according to the QuickTest Professional object hierarchy, as follows:

Keyword View3