Actions help divide your test into logical units, such as the main sections of a Web site, or specific activities that you perform in your application.

A test comprises calls to actions. When you create a new test, it contains a call to a single action. By creating tests that call multiple actions, you can design tests that are more modular and efficient.

An action consists of its own test script, including all of the steps in that action, and any objects in its local object repository.

Each action is stored together with the test in which you created it. You can insert a call to an action that is stored with the test and, depending on the properties of the action, you may also be able to call an action stored with another test.

When you open a test, you can choose to view the test flow (calls to actions) or you can view and edit the individual actions stored with your test.

If you work with tests that include many steps or lines of script, it is recommended that you use actions to divide your test steps. Actions should ideally contain no more than a few dozen test steps.

For example, suppose you want to test several features of a flight reservation system. You plan several tests to test various business processes, but each one requires the same login and logout steps. You can create one action that contains the steps required for the login process, another for the logout steps, and other actions for the main steps in your test. After you create the login and logout actions, you can insert those actions into other tests.

If you create a test in which you log into the system, book one flight, and then log out of the system, your test might be structured as shown—one test calling three separate actions:

Actions in QTP

Actions enable you to parameterize and iterate over specific elements of a test. They can also make it easier to modify steps in one action when part of your application changes.

For every action called in your test, QTP creates a corresponding action sheet in the Data Table so that you can enter Data Table parameters that are specific to that action only.