The Software Quality Assurance Plan is a high level plan which can say that each of the subject points may be handled differently by each project, depending upon client requirements.

Topics the plan should include are listed below:

  1. Corporation, Plan Title and version, date effective
  2. Purpose of Plan
  3. Glossary of Terms
  4. How documentation is handled (some examples are):
    • Statement of Work
    • Planning Documents such as Software Requirements and Functional Specification
    • User's Manual / Developer's Manual, etc.
  5. Verification and Validation of software
  6. Project management
  7. Software standards used (generally people use Microsoft standards, but some do not)
  8. User Interface Standards used
  9. Development Tools and Techniques
  10. Configuration Management and how source code is saved
  11. Reviews and Audits
  12. Testing
  13. Bug Reporting and Tracking
  14. Training
  15. Risk Management
  16. Process Improvement
  17. Signoffs needed for plan and plan revisions