Quality control is defined as the processes and methods used to monitor work and observe whether requirements are met. It focuses on reviews and removal of defects before shipment of products. Quality control should be the responsibility of the organizational unit producing the product. It is possible to have the same group that builds the product perform the quality control function, or to establish a quality control group or department within the organizational unit that develops the product.
Quality control consists of well-defined checks on a product that are specified in the product quality assurance plan. For software products, quality control typically includes specification reviews, inspections of code and documents, and checks for user deliverables. Usually, document and product inspections are conducted at each life-cycle milestone to demonstrate that the items produced satisfy the criteria specified by the software quality assurance plan. These criteria are normally provided in the requirements specifications, conceptual and detailed design documents, and test plans. The documents given to users are the requirement specifications, design documentation, results from the user acceptance test, the software code, user guide, and the operations and maintenance guide. Additional documents are specified in the software quality assurance plan.
Quality control can be provided by various sources. For small projects, the project personnel's peer group or the department's software quality coordinator can inspect the documents. On large projects, a configuration control board may be responsible for quality control. The board may include the users or a user representative, a member of the software quality assurance department, and the project leader.
Inspections are traditional functions of quality control, that is, independent examinations to assess compliance with some stated criteria. Peers and subject matter experts review specifications and engineering work products to identify defects and suggest improvements. They are used to examine the software project for adherence to the written project rules at a project's milestones and at other times during the project's life cycle as deemed necessary by the project leader or the software quality assurance personnel. An inspection may be a detailed checklist for assessing compliance or a brief checklist to determine the existence of such deliverables as documentation. A report stating the purpose of the inspection and the deficiencies found goes to the project supervisor, project leader, and project personnel for action.
Responsibility for inspections is stated in the software quality assurance plan. For small projects, the project leader or the department's quality coordinator can perform the inspections. For large projects, a member of the software quality assurance group may lead an inspection performed by an audit team, which is similar to the configuration control board mentioned previously. Following the inspection, project personnel are assigned to correct the problems on a specific schedule.
Quality control is designed to detect and correct defects, whereas quality assurance is oriented toward preventing them. Detection implies flaws in the processes that are supposed to produce defect-free products and services. Quality assurance is a managerial function that prevents problems by heading them off, and by advising restraint and redirection.
Software Configuration Management
Software configuration management is concerned with labeling, tracking, and controlling changes in the software elements of a system. It controls the evolution of a software system by managing versions of its software components and their relationships.
The purpose of software configuration management is to identify all the interrelated components of software and to control their evolution throughout the various life-cycle phases. Software configuration management is a discipline that can be applied to activities including software development, document control, problem tracking, change control, and maintenance. It can provide high cost savings in software reusability because each software component and its relationship to other software components have been defined.
Software configuration management consists of activities that ensure that design and code are defined and cannot be changed without a review of the effect of the change itself and its documentation. The purpose of configuration management is to control code and its associated documentation so that final code and its description are consistent and represent those items that were actually reviewed and tested. Thus, spurious, last-minute software changes are eliminated.
For concurrent software development projects, software configuration management can have considerable benefits. It can organize the software under development and minimize the probability of inadvertent changes. Software configuration management has a stabilizing effect on all software when there is a great deal of change activity or a considerable risk of selecting the wrong software components.
Elements of Software Configuration Management
Software configuration management identifies a system configuration to systematically control changes, maintain integrity, and enforce tractability of the configuration throughout its life cycle. Components to be controlled include planning, analysis, and design documents, source code, executable code, utilities, job control language (JCL), test plans, test scripts, test cases, and development reports. The software configuration process typically consists of four elements: software component identification, software version control, configuration building, and software change control, as shown in Figure belowComponent Identification
A basic software configuration management activity is the identification of the software components that make up a deliverable at each point of its development. Software configuration management provides guidelines to identify and name software baselines, software components, and software configurations.
Software components go through a series of changes. To manage the development process, one must establish methods and name standards for uniquely identifying each revision. A simple way to name component revisions is to use a series of discrete digits. The first integer could refer to a software component's external release number. The second integer could represent the internal software development release number. The transition from version number 2.9 to 3.1 would indicate that a new external release, 3, has occurred. The software component version number is automatically incremented when the component is checked into the software library. Further levels of qualifiers could also be used as necessary, such as the date of a new version.
A software configuration is a collection of software elements that comprise a major business function. An example of a configuration is the set of program modules for an order system. Identifying a configuration is quite similar to identifying individual software components. Configurations can have a sequence of versions. Each configuration must be named in a way that distinguishes it from others. Each configuration version must be differentiated from other versions. The identification of a configuration must also include its approval status and a description of how the configuration was built.
A simple technique for identifying a configuration is to store all its software components in a single library or repository. The listing of all the components can also be documented.
Version Control
As an application evolves over time, many different versions of its software components are created, and there needs to be an organized process to manage changes in the software components and their relationships. In addition, there is usually a requirement to support parallel component development and maintenance.
Software is frequently changed as it evolves through a succession of temporary states called versions. A software configuration management facility for controlling versions is a software configuration management repository or library. Version control provides the tractability or history of each software change, including who did what, why, and when.
Within the software life cycle, software components evolve, and at a certain point each reaches a relatively stable state. However, as defects are corrected and enhancement features are implemented, the changes result in new versions of the components. Maintaining control of these software component versions is called versioning.
A component is identified and labeled to differentiate it from all other software versions of the component. When a software component is modified, both the old and new versions should be separately identifiable. Therefore, each version, except the initial one, has a predecessor. The succession of component versions is the component's history and tractability. Different versions also act as backups so that one can return to previous versions of the software.
Configuration Building
To build a software configuration, one needs to identify the correct component versions and execute the component build procedures. This is often called configuration building.
A software configuration consists of a set of derived software components. An example is executable object programs derived from source programs. Derived software components are correctly associated with each source component to obtain an accurate derivation. The configuration build model defines how to control the way derived software components are put together.
The inputs and outputs required for a configuration build model include the primary inputs such as the source components, the version selection procedures, and the system model, which describes how the software components are related. The outputs are the target configuration and respectively derived software components.
Software configuration management environments use different approaches to select versions. The simplest approach to version selection is to maintain a list of component versions. Other approaches entail selecting the most recently tested component versions, or those modified on a particular date.
Change Control
Change control is the process by which a modification to a software component is proposed, evaluated, approved or rejected, scheduled, and tracked. Its basic foundation is a change control process, a component status reporting process, and an auditing process.
Software change control is a decision process used in controlling the changes made to software. Some proposed changes are accepted and implemented during this process. Others are rejected or postponed, and are not implemented. Change control also provides for impact analysis to determine the dependencies.
Modification of a configuration has at least four elements: a change request, an impact analysis of the change, a set of modifications and additions of new components, and a method for reliably installing the modifications as a new baseline (see Appendix D, "Change Request Form," for more details).
A change often involves modifications to multiple software components. Therefore, a storage system that provides for multiple versions of a single file is usually not sufficient. A technique is required to identify the set of modifications as a single change. This is often called delta storage.
Every software component has a development life cycle. A life cycle consists of states and allowable transitions between those states. When a software component is changed, it should always be reviewed and further modifications should be disallowed (i.e., it should be frozen) until a new version is created. The reviewing authority must approve or reject the modified software component. A software library holds all software components as soon as they are frozen and also acts as a repository for approved components.
A derived component is linked to its source and has the same status as its source. In addition, a configuration cannot have a more complete status than any of its components, because it is meaningless to review a configuration when some of the associated components are not frozen.
All components controlled by software configuration management are stored in a software configuration library, including work products such as business data and process models, architecture groups, design units, tested application software, reusable software, and special test software. When a software component is to be modified, it is checked out of the repository into a private workspace. It evolves through many states, which are temporarily beyond the scope of configuration management control.
When a change is completed, the component is checked into the library and becomes a new software component version. The previous component version is also retained.
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