Each defect discovered during the foregoing tests is documented to assist in the proper recording of these defects. A problem report is generated when a test procedure gives rise to an event that cannot be explained by the tester. The problem report documents the details of the event and includes at least these items (see Appendix E12, "Defect Report," for more details):

* Problem identification
* Author
* Release/build number
* Open date
* Close date
* Problem area
* Defect or enhancement
* Test environment
* Defect type
* Who detected
* How detected
* Assigned to
* Priority
* Severity
* Status

Other test reports to communicate the testing progress and results include a test case log, test log summary report, and system summary report.

A test case log documents the test cases for a test type to be executed. It also records the results of the tests, which provides the detailed evidence for the test log summary report and enables reconstructing testing, if necessary.

A test log summary report documents the test cases from the tester's logs in progress or completed for the status reporting and metric collection.

A system summary report should be prepared for every major testing event. Sometimes it summarizes all the tests. It typically includes the following major sections: general information (describing the test objectives, test environment, references, etc.), test results and findings (describing each test), software functions and findings, and analysis and test summary.