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Software Testing-ISTQB ISEB Foundation Guide

Structure-based test techniques are used to explore system or component structures at several levels. At the component level, the structures of interest will be program structures such as decisions; at the integration level we may be interested in exploring the way components interact with other components (in what is usually termed a calling structure); at the system level we may be interested in how users will interact with a menu structure. All these are examples of structures and all may be tested using white-box test case design techniques. Instead of exercising a component or system to see if it functions correctly white-box tests focus on ensuring that particular elements of the structure itself are correctly exercised. For example, we can use structural testing techniques to ensure that each statement in the code of a component is executed at least once. At the component level, where structure-based testing is most commonly used, the test case design techniques involve generating test cases from code, so we need to be able to read and analyze code. You may wish to run simple test cases on code to ensure that it is basically sound before you begin detailed functional testing, or you may want to interpret test results from programmers to ensure that their testing adequately exercises the code.

Our starting point, then, is the code itself.

You may follow the complete series of Test Design Techniques articles here:
Test Development Process
The Idea of Test Coverage
Categories of Design Techniques
Specification Black Box Techniques
Structure based Whitebox techniques
Experience based Testing
Choosing Test Techniques

To see all articles of ISTQB-ISEB Foundation guide, see here:

Software Testing-ISTQB ISEB Foundation Guide